Hi there.I would like to join structure of admins to help keep server clear of cheaters and other players who disrespect the server.I've played on this server whole long time.Has got acquainted with lots of peoples and admins.Was the administrator know all commands.My name is Artur.I'm 18 years old.I was born in Latvia,but now i live in UK.I have played cs about 4-5 years.I play about 5-6 hours a day,and I will be glad to help to keep the server clean.My nickname is rbk.Thanks for attention.Privet vsem russkim!!!Ja xotel bi prisoedenitsja k sostavu adminov i t4ateljno vipolnjatj vsjo 4to ot menja trebuetsja a immeno banitj naglix 4iterov kogda nikogo iz adminov nebudet na servere kak eto 4astenjko bivaet:P Ja uzhe igraju na servere o4enj davno ewjo s prowlogo goda.pojavilosj mnogo znakomix i vstretil starix druzej.Estj opit adminstva bil adminom 3 raza.A voobwe mne server nravitsja,i ja bil bi rad statj sdesj adminom.