1.) Nick Ele^Ctro|Tm Miedzins
2.) Age 15
3.) CW experience normal
4.) CS experience (years) 4
5.) How you rate your skill ? (low/mid/high) Mid
6.) Skype nick ! gera3212
7.) Why you wanna join our CLAN ? because i am in ireland and there no cs servers in ireland thats why i play in U.K. servers and this server is one of my favourit servers and i know rus lang wery well and when i play cs nobody know that i am speaking russian and latvian :0 thats why a want to join clan
8.) which clan? nWe (only high skills + demo + last clan or CW expereance) / nWe.Pub (must Russian-talk CW..) / nWe.Fan (pro Public clan + CW English language... ) how did i say i want to join nWe.Rus Tenq
Added (27.11.2009, 20:38)
How much i need to wait :@