1.) Nick => NoOoBixXxx
2.) Age => 20
3.) CW experience => 3 years ex-PGL player
4.) CS experience (years) => 6
5.) How you rate your skill ? (low/mid/high) => mid for now but with a little practice high in less than a month :X
6.) Skype nick ! => used only TS!
7.) Why you wanna join our CLAN ? => Because i think you need a good player
8.) which clan? nWe (only high skills + demo + last clan or CW expereance) / nWe.Pub (must Russian-talk CW..) / nWe.Fan (pro Public clan + CW English language... ) => which one you think im good at.......i have 2 years since i stoped playng CS and now i`m back :X:X:X _______________________________________
NoOoBixXxxx >>>> AwP >>>> Killingspree !!!