Ban Information
Name: raked
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29195810
Reason: wh
Unban Time: Permanent Ban
Admin Name: -=:Fatal1ty:=-
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30489529
Kicked by Console: "Вы забанены на сервере. Читайте консоль"
Kicked :"Вы забанены на сервере. Читайте can i just say my opinion, i know that you, russians, handle opinions very badly because you're not used to it, so i will be as easy as possible
as you can see fatality banned me only because he was pissed that i owned him in 1v1 and he did not even check, only us two were in map and he banned me without even going to spec once, which shows the level of administration you have here, if thiswill continue your server will stay at the level is today and that is the worst thing that can happen to a good server like this
changing admins like -=:Fatal1ty:=- who only thing he does, as far as i can tell, complains and bans people without checking
personal note for fatality: i know you got owned badly and i feel sorry for you, i made you look like a fool which was the only reason you banned me, and now because i said >MY OPINION< im not going to get unbanned because this is going to be your excuse, either way, you are terrible and i hope nWe clan reconsiders keeping you an admin, CS community needs less dictators like you who use admin powers to their advantage