1)Hands of BLOOD 2) 3)23:01-23:20 in my time 4)unknown 5)Потому что я постоянно сижу на этом серваке и гамаюсь а тупой коззи постоянно меня банит!!!
your a weirdo you block alot and im not sure whats the ban for and i think you were in nwe.fan they cant get banned unless banned by c! so its probably because he said so. Lol your not even in nwe.fan anymore :] Thanks for reading, Professional Sinnerz Skype : old.school.clan
Well you wont get unban from admin cos they will get rude so c! speak to them. HE cant change what the admin will do because he does not have the rights. But if you speak to him he will listen to what you will say because he will be scared to get ban or loose admin privaladges. Thanks for reading, Professional Sinnerz Skype : old.school.clan