1. Your player name you used in the server. : Cum Dump
2. Your IP adress (u can see here http://www.ip-adress.com/ ) :
2. If you use original steam please write your steam ID : STEAM_0:0:320610
3. Date/Time you were banned : January 13th 2011, About 20:25-20:30
4. Reason why you were banned (if you know). : Not known. No warning, just had a Kicked and Banned message.
5. Reason why you should be unbanned. : I've only played on the server a couple of times, usually when it is not very full and often the players are not very good, so I do look alot better than I am. But I wasn't doing anything weird, I had no warning if the ban was for camping (which I did once at T spawn I think, but I got banned after a map change and half way through an FY_map), or spamming through walls (is that allowed? some ban that I know)... But yea, I wasn't cheating, didn't do anything that looked like it, I was just a lot better than all of those on the server and I have very good sound, they all just ran about so it was predictable where they were. I don't know if there was an admin on the server - Noone with the nWe tag and I wasn't told if I should have a demo or screenshots to upload, although I can't see any in my folder to upload, so I guess you don't have that feature. I only play on the server every so often because a friend plays on it and I sometimes join him, but would be nice to be unbanned.