player name: King of DingaLing aKa Vaidukas IP: banned on 03/02/10 what time cant remember daytime i guess reason: i think i saw a message saying banned wh or something like that reason why i should be unbanned ? is cause i dont have a ny cheats on my pc. this is 2nd time that got banned for i guess same reason (basicly i saw a gun sticking out of a hiding place so obviously i shoot and kill the other player (first time i remember PWNG banned me for shooting to a window (italy map) i started to shoot cause i saw a gun sticking out of a window and he said i used wh. now second time was inferno map A bomb place some dude was hiding by the wall and saw a gun sticking out so shot him and stright got ban. I NEVER DID AND NEVER WILL USE CHEATS. WHATS THE POINT. so unbann me and next time have a better look on my gameplay.!!!
Message edited by vaidukas - Friday, 05.02.2010, 00:03
dont man what your talking about i didnt ever ban you. And wtf recently all ban you get if someone gun you see and shoot through the wall whats with that i saw gun sticking out bullshit
Results: [AMXX] Ip "" removed from ban list L 02/08/2010 - 22:44:39: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "New World Elite | www.nweclan.i<0><><>" unban ""